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Traveling to Africa

Joining Our Healthcare Mission in Africa?

Thank You! We are looking forward to working with you!


Before your trip, there are several steps you need to take to prepare —beyond getting your U.S. passport and making sure you are up-to-date on your immunizations. 


Importantly, all volunteers need a Nigerian travel visa. While you can start the application process and pay for it online, you will need to plan on visiting the nearest Online Integrated Solutions office to be fingerprinted before your trip.


Each trip has a Mission Overview document with a timeline, pricing, and travel itinerary. However, the following checklist applies to all missions and volunteers. 


Let us know that you are interested.
Send an email to letting us know that you would like join a mission to Africa,  or complete the volunteer form and email it to us.


Read the Mission Overview.
Each mission has an overview document with details so that you can develop a budget, know what to pack, and schedule your flight. The document also outlines the travel itinerary while in Africa and what you can expect. Here is the Mission Overview for the 2021 Mission.


If there's anything in this document that you don't understand, please let us know.


Get Your Nigerian Travel Visa.
In addition to your current U.S. passport, you will need a Nigerian travel visa before leaving the United States.


For Nigerian travel visas contact the Online Integrated Solutions website. Please note that the location is the city where you will need to go for fingerprinting. Applicants older than 65, do not need be fingerprinted.


After selecting a location, you will see the main website. Take a moment to watch their video on the online application process. When you are ready, use the options at the top of the page under "Need a Visa?" to start the process. You will be applying for a Tourist Visa. Be sure to review their 10-item checklist to make sure that you have everything required.  


You will need to call the Online Integrated Services office closest to you in order to schedule an appointment for fingerprinting and receive instructions on submitting all of the required documents: 

  • Atlanta: 404-695-6373

  • Houston: 713-771-1871

  • Los Angeles:  213-705-2978

  • New York: 917-900-1114

  • Washington DC: 301-231-7000


request for information about visas on arrival in Nigeria through the AIHWA office.


If you need more information, please feel free to contact Sarah Oga, Director of International Missions, Travels & Logistics at +1443-758-2180.


American Initiative for Health and Wellness in Africa (aihwa)

Aihwa is a non-profit collaboration between African and American physicians who envision an improved healthcare system for the people of Africa. 


Phone: 1 970-903-1317

Registered 501(c)3




1135 Park Ave, #901 Pagosa Springs. Co 81147


Maling address: P.O. Box 13 Pagosa Springs. Co 81147.



AIHWA Hope Center, near Sam Mbakwe International Airport, Owerri. Imo State.



C/O Dr Cynthia Egbunwoke.

247 Woolwich Street, Waterloo Ontario, N2K 0C8





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